by peter olson | May 10, 2023 | Blog
Bats are a common twilight sight in the Chattanooga area. They can be cool to watch as they flit around, feasting on flying insects. But while bats play a helpful role in controlling local mosquito populations, they can become annoying pests if they find their way...
by peter olson | May 7, 2023 | Blog
Many of us enjoy watching the many species of birds visit the feeders in our backyard, so it’s not common to think of them as pests. However, birds can become quite the nuisance if they decide to make their nests in the dryer vents or bathroom vents on your home...
by peter olson | Nov 22, 2022 | Blog
Whether you own a local home or you run a business in Chattanooga, the last thing you want to deal with is a pest infestation. Insects and nuisance wildlife are a dangerous presence in human structures. They cause damage, spread diseases and may even cause physical...
by peter olson | Nov 1, 2022 | Blog
You’ve discovered a pest problem in your home in Chattanooga. Now what do you do? This is a situation that panics many people. Even the most harmless of critters is an unsanitary presence in the home and it’s hard to find peace of mind when you hear them...